Famous with the same name

Recently, while doing a search on actress Elizabeth Taylor to confirm whether or not she was actually 18 when she divorced Conrad Hilton (she was almost 19), I typed the name into the wikipedia search engine. Another Elizabeth Taylor came up.

Apparently, there was a painter with that name. In addition to painting, she was a journalist and extensive traveller and lived from 1856 to 1932. She died when movie Liz was not even a month old. Here is a volume published with her name on it:

There are other Richard Burtons on wikipedia, too. Serial killer Ted Bundy used the name as a pseudonym, but we won’t go there. There’s a Richard Burton who was an English explorer and lived from 1821 to 1890. There’s also a professional English golfer called Dick Burton who lived in the 20th Century, as well as a cricketer named Richard Burton– born in 1955. Here’s a photo of him playing cricket, as well as a photo of the actor Richard Burton playing cricket between takes on the set of ALEXANDER THE GREAT:

But to be fair, movie star Richard Burton’s real name was Richard Jenkins. And there happens to be an American actor named Richard Jenkins, who appeared on the television drama Six Feet Under, and was Oscar nominated for a role in THE VISITOR in 2007:

Now this woman is not famous. Her name is Liz Burton, and she’s a hypnotherapist in Doncaster, South Yorkshire.

I don’t think she ever had a ring like this:

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